Basic Serial Port Programming

Basic Serial Port Programming

  1. Visual Basic Serial Port Programming

ADR serial data acquisition interfaces require the sending and receiving of ASCII data via RS232 to operate. To communicate with the ADR boards using Visual Basic, the MsComm control must be utilized to allow serial data transfer via a serial port ( Com1-Com4).

Hello,I want to develop an application in VB.Net that captures data (temperature and pressure) using USB port and displays the values on Screen.The values may then be used to generate Graphs or for controlling other devices, again using USB Port.However, I have not found any method in.Net for interfacing with USB Port.How do I proceed?Preetinder SinghDELETED@yahoo.comeditNever post your email address in any forum, unless you really like spam! If anyone replies to you, you will receive an email to let you know - OriginalGriff/edit. That's because you're trying to treat the USB port as a port like you would a serial or parallel port.


Visual Basic Serial Port Programming

Look at what USB stands for: Universal Serial BUS. A USB is not a port, but a BUS, not unlike the expansion slots inside your computer.You interface with the device attached to the port, not the port itself. How you do this depends on what interface the device exposes.


It's entirely possible that the device exposes itself as serial port emulation and you can get at it just like any other serial port device using the SerialPort class.However, if your device doesn't do that, you'll have to get an SDK from the manufacturer of the device to let your code interface with it. This is the case with Phidgets devices ( When answering a question please:.

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Basic Serial Port Programming